1- Introductery post- What Found Family Is and What It's All About

  Greetings fair internet travelers and welcome to my little blog! I've made this project because I've recently been interested in exploring a particular trope that I've noticed becoming more and more popular and what better way to lean about it than to help other learn about it as well. The trope I want to address is called "Found Family" or in some cases "Family of Choice"

    The "Found Family" trope is, at least at the surface level, pretty self explanatory, it is a group of characters who either do not have biologically family or have been rejected by their blood family and have come together to form a new "family", one where they are accepted and loved for the things that got they rejected by their original family. There of course, are many ways that this concept is actually executed in stories, too many to easily count or sum up in this post, but there are a couple more common themes that get played out multiple times, for example "Criminal Found Family" where a, as its implied, the found family that comes together through the story are a bunch of criminals and typically the main plot of the story centers around some kind of heist, during the planning an execution of which, the cast grows to consider each other family, or "Found Family Via Work" where the characters meet as coworkers and eventually develop a familial dynamic over time. 

There are are many different ways that a found family can see each other, but all are typically non-romantic. The members of the found family can see each other as parent and child, as siblings, or perhaps even as cousins and aunt/uncles in some cases. There is a lot of flexibility and not every story with the trope outright defines the exact parameters of the relationship beyond they see each other as 'family'.
